- inferType
Initializer inferType(Initializer init, Scope* sc)
Translate init to an Expression in order to infer the type.
- initializerSemantic
Initializer initializerSemantic(Initializer init, Scope* sc, Type tx, NeedInterpret needInterpret)
Perform semantic analysis on init.
- initializerToExpression
Expression initializerToExpression(Initializer init, Type itype, bool isCfile)
Translate init to an Expression.
- resolveStructLiteralNamedArgs
Expressions* resolveStructLiteralNamedArgs(StructDeclaration sd, Type t, Scope* sc, Loc iloc, Identifier[] names, Expression delegate(size_t i, Type fieldType) getExp, Loc delegate(size_t i) getLoc)
Given the names and values of a StructInitializer or CallExp,
resolve it to a list of expressions to construct a StructLiteralExp.
- toAssocArrayLiteral
Expression toAssocArrayLiteral(ArrayInitializer ai)
If possible, convert array initializer to associative array initializer.
Semantic analysis of initializers.