Dynamic array, no dimension
Similar to TypeIdentifier, but with a TemplateInstance as the root
Implements mixin types.
Static array, one with a fixed dimension
This is so we can slice a TypeTuple
Unlike D, C can declare/define struct/union/enum tag names inside Declarators, instead of separately as in D. The order these appear in the symbol table must be in lexical order. There isn't enough info at the parsing stage to determine if it's a declaration or a reference to an existing name, so this Type collects the necessary info and defers it to semantic().
This is a shell containing a TraitsExp that can be either resolved to a type or to a symbol.
The basetype must be one of: byte[16],ubyte[16],short[8],ushort[8],int[4],uint[4],long[2],ulong[2],float[4],double[2] For AVX: byte[32],ubyte[32],short[16],ushort[16],int[8],uint[8],long[4],ulong[4],float[8],double[4]
Result of a check whether two types are covariant
dotExp() bit flags
Classification of 'scope-return-ref' possibilities
Return !=0 if modfrom can be implicitly converted to modto
Merge mod bits to form common mod.
Return MATCH.exact or MATCH.constant if a method of type '() modfrom' can call a method of type '() modto'.
Store modifier name into buf.
Convert MODxxxx to STCxxx
For each active attribute (ref/const/nogc/etc) call fp with a void* for the work param and a string representation of the attribute.
Computes how a parameter may be returned. Shrinking the representation is necessary because StorageClass is so wide
If the type is a class or struct, returns the symbol for it, else null.
Determine if type t is copyable.
Determine if type t can be indexed or sliced given that it is not an aggregate with operator overloads.
Returns true if ty is char, wchar, or dchar
For each active modifier (MODFlags.const_, MODFlags.immutable_, etc) call fp with a void* for the work param and a string representation of the attribute.
Determine mutability of indirections in (ref) t.
For printing two types with qualification when necessary.
Creates an appropriate vector type for tv that will hold one boolean result for each element of the vector type. The result of vector comparisons is a single or doubleword mask of all 1s (comparison true) or all 0s (comparison false). This SIMD mask type does not have an equivalent D type, however its closest equivalent would be an integer vector of the same unit size and length.
Give us a nice string for debugging purposes.
Pick off one of the trust flags from trust, and return a string representation of it.
CTFE-only helper function for VisitInitializer.
Dispatch to function based on static type of Type.
Represents a function's formal parameters + variadics info. Length, indexing and iteration are based on a depth-first tuple expansion. https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#ParameterList
Defines a D type.