Encapsulate assigning to an alias: identifier = type; identifier = symbol; where identifier is an AliasDeclaration in scope.
Array Index/Slice scope
Table of Dsymbol's
Class that holds an expression in a Dsymbol wrapper. This is not an AST node, but a class used to pass an expression as a function parameter of type Dsymbol.
Forwarding ScopeDsymbol. Used by ForwardingAttribDeclaration and ForwardingScopeDeclaration to forward symbol insertions to another scope. See dmd.attrib.ForwardingAttribDeclaration for more details.
Overload Sets
Dsymbol that generates a scope
With statement scope
Calls dg(Dsymbol *sym) for each Dsymbol. If dg returns !=0, stops and returns that value else returns 0.
Calls dg(Dsymbol *sym) for each Dsymbol.
ImportC allows redeclarations of C variables, functions and typedefs. extern int x; int x = 3; and: extern void f(); void f() { } Attempt to merge them.
ImportC tag symbols sit in a parallel symbol table, so that this C code works:
Struct/Class/Union field state. Used for transitory information when setting field offsets, such as bit fields.
The base class for a D symbol, which can be a module, variable, function, enum, etc.