
Union of all data types. Storage allocated must be the right size of the data on the TARGET, not the host.

@nogc nothrow @safe
union eve {
targ_schar Vschar;
targ_uchar Vuchar;
targ_short Vshort;
targ_ushort Vushort;
targ_int Vint;
targ_uns Vuns;
targ_long Vlong;
targ_ulong Vulong;
targ_llong Vllong;
targ_ullong Vullong;
Cent Vcent;
targ_float Vfloat;
targ_double Vdouble;
targ_ldouble Vldouble;
Complex_f Vcfloat;
Complex_d Vcdouble;
Complex_ld Vcldouble;
targ_size_t Vpointer;
targ_ptrdiff_t Vptrdiff;
targ_uchar Vreg;
targ_float[4] Vfloat4;
targ_double[2] Vdouble2;
targ_schar[16] Vschar16;
targ_uchar[16] Vuchar16;
targ_short[8] Vshort8;
targ_ushort[8] Vushort8;
targ_long[4] Vlong4;
targ_ulong[4] Vulong4;
targ_llong[2] Vllong2;
targ_ullong[2] Vullong2;
targ_float[8] Vfloat8;
targ_double[4] Vdouble4;
targ_schar[32] Vschar32;
targ_uchar[32] Vuchar32;
targ_short[16] Vshort16;
targ_ushort[16] Vushort16;
targ_long[8] Vlong8;
targ_ulong[8] Vulong8;
targ_llong[4] Vllong4;
targ_ullong[4] Vullong4;



targ_char Vchar;

Union of all data types. Storage allocated must be the right size of the data on the TARGET, not the host.
