1 /**
2  * D header file for NetBSD.
3  *
4  * Copyright: Copyright Martin Nowak 2012.
5  * License:   $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
6  * Authors:   Martin Nowak
7  *
8  * http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/include/dlfcn.h
9  */
10 module core.sys.netbsd.dlfcn;
12 public import core.sys.posix.dlfcn;
14 version (NetBSD):
15 extern (C):
16 nothrow:
17 @nogc:
19 enum __BSD_VISIBLE = true;
21 /*
22  * Request arguments for dlinfo().
23  */
24 enum RTLD_DI_LINKMAP     = 3;    /* Obtain link map. */
25 enum RTLD_DI_SERINFO     = 5;    /* Obtain search path info. */
26 enum RTLD_DI_SERINFOSIZE = 6;    /*  ... query for required space. */
27 enum RTLD_DI_ORIGIN      = 7;    /* Obtain object origin */
28 enum RTLD_DI_MAX         = RTLD_DI_ORIGIN;
30 /*
31  * Special handle arguments for dlsym()/dlinfo().
32  */
33 enum RTLD_NEXT    = cast(void *)-1;    /* Search subsequent objects. */
34 enum RTLD_DEFAULT = cast(void *)-2;    /* Use default search algorithm. */
35 enum RTLD_SELF    = cast(void *)-3;    /* Search the caller itself. */
37 static if (__BSD_VISIBLE)
38 {
39     /*-
40      * The actual type declared by this typedef is immaterial, provided that
41      * it is a function pointer.  Its purpose is to provide a return type for
42      * dlfunc() which can be cast to a function pointer type without depending
43      * on behavior undefined by the C standard, which might trigger a compiler
44      * diagnostic.  We intentionally declare a unique type signature to force
45      * a diagnostic should the application not cast the return value of dlfunc()
46      * appropriately.
47      */
48     struct __dlfunc_arg {
49         int     __dlfunc_dummy;
50     }
52     alias dlfunc_t = void function(__dlfunc_arg);
54     /*
55      * Structures, returned by the RTLD_DI_SERINFO dlinfo() request.
56      */
57     struct Dl_serpath {
58         char *          dls_name;       /* single search path entry */
59         uint            dls_flags;      /* path information */
60     }
62     struct Dl_serinfo {
63         size_t          dls_size;       /* total buffer size */
64         uint            dls_cnt;        /* number of path entries */
65         Dl_serpath[1]   dls_serpath;    /* there may be more than one */
66     }
67 }
69 /* XSI functions first. */
70 extern(C) {
71     static assert(is(typeof(&dlclose) == int function(void*)));
72     static assert(is(typeof(&dlerror) == char* function()));
73     static assert(is(typeof(&dlopen)  == void* function(const scope char*, int)));
74     static assert(is(typeof(&dlsym)   == void* function(void*, const scope char*)));
75 }
77 static if (__BSD_VISIBLE)
78 {
79     int      dlinfo(void*, int, void*);
80     void*    dlvsym(void*, const(char)*, const(char)*);
81 }