
Undocumented in source but is binding to C++. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
extern (C++) @nogc nothrow @safe
struct Config {
char language;
char[3] exetype;
cpu_target_t target_cpu;
cpu_target_t target_scheduler;
short versionint;
int defstructalign;
short hxversion;
symbolic_debug_t fulltypes;
windows_flags_t wflags;
bool fpxmmregs;
ubyte avx;
ubyte inline8087;
short memmodel;
objfmt_t objfmt;
exefmt_t exe;
config_flags_t flags;
config_flags2_t flags2;
config_flags3_t flags3;
config_flags4_t flags4;
config_flags5_t flags5;
htod_flags_t htodFlags;
ubyte ansi_c;
ubyte asian_char;
uint threshold;
linkage_t linkage;
EHmethod ehmethod;
bool useModuleInfo;
bool useTypeInfo;
bool useExceptions;
ubyte dwarf;



string _version;

Compiler version
