
Convert to Intermediate Representation (IR) for the back-end.



void buildAlignSection(FuncDeclaration fd, IRState irs)

Aligned sections are implemented by taking the local variables that need alignment that is larger than the stack alignment. They are allocated into a separate chunk of memory on the stack called an align section, which is aligned on function entry.

void buildCapture(FuncDeclaration fd)

build a debug info struct for variables captured by nested functions, but not in a closure. must be called after generating the function to fill stack offsets

void buildClosure(FuncDeclaration fd, IRState* irs)

Closures are implemented by taking the local variables that need to survive the scope of the function, and copying them into a gc allocated chuck of memory. That chunk, called the closure here, is inserted into the linked list of stack frames instead of the usual stack frame.

elem* fixEthis2(elem* ethis, FuncDeclaration fd, bool ctxt2)

Select one context pointer from a dual-context array

elem* getEthis(Loc loc, IRState* irs, Dsymbol fd, Dsymbol fdp, Dsymbol origSc)

Return elem that evaluates to the static frame pointer for function fd. If fd is a member function, the returned expression will compute the value of fd's 'this' variable. 'fdp' is the parent of 'fd' if the frame pointer is being used to call 'fd'. 'origSc' is the original scope we inlined from. This routine is critical for implementing nested functions.

TYPE* getParentClosureType(Symbol* sthis, FuncDeclaration fd)

for a nested function 'fd' return the type of the closure of an outer function or aggregate. If the function is a member function the 'this' type is expected to be stored in 'sthis.Sthis'. It is always returned if it is not a void pointer. buildClosure() must have been called on the outer function before.

elem* incUsageElem(IRState* irs, Loc loc)

Produce elem which increments the usage count for a particular line. Sets corresponding bit in bitmap m.covb[linnum]. Used to implement -cov switch (coverage analysis).

int intrinsic_op(FuncDeclaration fd)

Convert intrinsic function to operator.

elem* resolveLengthVar(VarDeclaration lengthVar, elem** pe, Type t1)

Given an expression e that is an array, determine and set the 'length' variable. Input: lengthVar Symbol of 'length' variable &e expression that is the array t1 Type of the array Output: e is rewritten to avoid side effects

RET retStyle(TypeFunction tf, bool needsThis)

Determine return style of function - whether in registers or through a hidden pointer to the caller's stack.

uint setAlignSectionVarOffset(FuncDeclaration fd)

Go through the variables in function fd that are to be allocated in an aligned section, and set the .offset fields for those variables to their positions relative to the start of the aligned section instance.

uint setClosureVarOffset(FuncDeclaration fd)

Go through the variables in function fd that are to be allocated in a closure, and set the .offset fields for those variables to their positions relative to the start of the closure instance. Also turns off nrvo for closure variables.

elem* setEthis(Loc loc, IRState* irs, elem* ey, AggregateDeclaration ad, bool setthis2)

Initialize the hidden aggregate member, vthis, with the context pointer.


struct IRState

Collect state variables needed by the intermediate representation (IR)

struct Label

Our label symbol
