
Attribute declaring whether an external aggregate should be mangled as a struct or class in C++, e.g. extern(C++, struct) class C { ... }. This is required for correct name mangling on MSVC targets, see cppmanglewin.d for details.

extern(C++, <cppmangle>) <decl...>

extern (C++) final
class CPPMangleDeclaration : AttribDeclaration {
CPPMANGLE cppmangle;

Inherited Members

From AttribDeclaration

Dsymbols* decl;

Dsymbol's affected by this AttribDeclaration

Scope* createNewScope(Scope* sc, StorageClass stc, LINK linkage, CPPMANGLE cppmangle, Visibility visibility, int explicitVisibility, AlignDeclaration aligndecl, PragmaDeclaration inlining)

Create a new scope if one or more given attributes are different from the sc's. If the returned scope != sc, the caller should pop the scope after it used.

Scope* newScope(Scope* sc)

A hook point to supply scope for members. addMember, setScope, importAll, semantic, semantic2 and semantic3 will use this.

void addObjcSymbols(ClassDeclarations* classes, ClassDeclarations* categories)
